A smartphone on a red surface shows an incoming call from Puja Chaudhary, with her photo and occupation as a recruiter at a company called Antelith,

A zero-to-one communication platform to provide economic opportunity worldwide.


Visual Design
Interaction Design


Exceeded our goal of 200k opt-ins in the first month by 600k.




LinkedIn is best known for its vision to create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce Hiring timelines in one of LinkedIn’s emerging markets, India, are much shorter compared to the US, averaging 16 days from initial outreach to offer. Communication through traditional emails and InMails, LinkedIn's internal messaging platform, proved to be less effective in India’s fast-paced job market that favors human interaction. As a result, I looked for ways to improve the value of our consumer and enterprise products by tackling the speed of communication between job seekers and recruiters.

Two smartphone screens on a red surface. One shows an incoming call from Puja Chaudhary, with her photo and occupation as a recruiter at a company called Antelith,

Designing a new communication platform

Through research, we uncovered that phone calls were the preferred method of communication between Indian job seekers and recruiters. To improve the efficiency and speed of communication on LinkedIn, we built a zero-to-one calling platform that enables recruiters in India to call job seekers about new job opportunities.


To address job seekers’ concerns over having to share their phone number and concerns around receiving spam calls, we chose in-app calling. Also, job seekers had to inidicate that they were open to receiving calls from recruiters.


This calling feature in the Recruiter product had to integrate into existing complex pricing structures and laid a foundation for the future of crediting in the Recruiter product.


This new communication platform's success hinged on job seeker adoption. We created multiple conversion points to acquire users and conducted usability testing of designs to identify gaps. A familiar Android call screen pattern was leveraged to ensure phone pick-up rates.


When faced with choosing between 2 different types of calling tech, we considered user research, cost, and privacy.

A desktop screen on a red surface shows the LinkedIn Recruiter product with a hoverable tooltip over a phone icon that says
A desktop screen on a red surface shows the LinkedIn Recruiter product with a tray anchored to the bottom right corner with a call in progress between a recruiter and job seeker. There is a green header on the tray that displays the position the job seeker is being called about, the job seeker's photo and name, duration of the call, audio settings and a chevron facing up, a mute button, and a hang up button.


Since the success of the feature relied on job seekers opting in to receiving calls from recruiters, we set a goal of 200,000 opt-ins in the first month which we surpassed when our work resulted in 800,000 opt-ins.